If steps are taken quickly to prevent this kind of destructive activity from occurring on the high seas, the benefits to both the marine environment and to future generations are incalculable. 如果我们可以尽快采取措施来禁止这种公海破坏性活动,它为海洋环境以及我们的子孙后代带来的好处是数之不尽的。
There is evidence to indicate that we have seen destructive activity with malicious intent that was initiated by a sophisticated actor. '' 有证据显示,我们发现了破坏活动,其意图险恶,始作俑者老奸巨猾。
The destructive action of volcanic activity for oil-gas reservoir forming is mainly the blocking of reservoir spaces by authigenic minerals which is impeled by high temperature and hydrothermal fluids in the volcanic activities. 研究区火山活动对油气成藏的破坏作用主要体现在火山活动产生的高温和热液,致使成岩矿物充填和堵塞储集空间,导致储层变差。